August 21 / Internationaal Theater Amsterdam

Structural changes at ITA

ITA needs calmness, regeneration and renewal. For this reason, the association between ITA and Ivo van Hove has been terminated by mutual agreement, with the Supervisory Board as a whole stepping down with immediate effect. The Board is doing this in the interest of ITA and its employees to make further space for the change in culture the organisation now needs.

In accordance with the Articles of Association of Stichting Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (B&W) of the Municipality of Amsterdam is being requested to form a new Supervisory Board as soon as possible. The members of the current Supervisory Board will remain available to ensure a proper and smooth transfer to the new board. Once this is done, the composition of the new Board will be announced.

Under the leadership of general director Clayde Menso, business director Denise de Boer and artistic director Eline Arbo and in consultation with the Municipality of Amsterdam, the approach to creating a safe working atmosphere is being further implemented. It goes without saying that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) - in its role as a major subsidiser - will be kept informed about this.

Clayde Menso, general director: “As management, we respect the Supervisory Board's decision to step down in the interest of the organisation. We thank them for their effort and commitment. The appreciation for Ivo van Hove's artistic contributions stands, but the need exists to end the cooperation with him. By taking these steps and creating space for restoration and transparency, the interests and feelings of all involved are taken seriously. Acknowledging the pain from the past and taking concrete measures are essential to work together with our colleagues towards a safe working environment, restoration of trust among employees and partners, and the future of ITA.”

Barbara Knoops, chair of the Works Council: ‘We support the Supervisory Board's decision to resign in its entirety to give ITA the space to look ahead. The proceedings to end the association with Ivo van Hove are also regrettable, but necessary.

The Works Council has had the conversation in different ways, and at different times and formations, to address and improve safety, be it social or otherwise, within ITA. We feel that current management is listening to us and acknowledge that steps are being taken in the right direction. With this, we want to express our confidence in the new path we have embarked on with the management to create a safe, inclusive working environment. This requires time, space and dialogue. The Works Council will remain closely involved in this process.”