
Sabine van Kuipers

Sabine van Kuipers graduated from the Amsterdamse Toneelschool & Kleinkunstacademie in 2019.

In season 23|24 she can be seen in the revival of Judas (directed by Robert Icke).


During her studies she did an internship at Celia! by Urban Myth (Oerol) and ALL STARS by MORE theatre productions. Together with her classmates, she founded her own music theatre collective (IN PLAATS VAN VERKERING).

After her graduation she played in various TV programmes including Nieuw zeer, welkom in de jaren 20/30, Flikken Maastricht and was in the permanent ensemble of Even tot hier (Medialane).


Language NP Language no problem Judas ITA Ensemble Theater Judas
Close Judas ITA Ensemble / Robert Icke
The name Judas is familiar to many of us. The traitor. The scorned man. A man condemned century after century for his cunning cowardice and who to this day deserves no pardon - or - is that perhaps half a story?