Club Bab Ad-Daar: Empathy


Club Bab Ad-Daar: Empathy

Bab Ad-daar / NITE


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Club Bab Ad-Daar: Empathy
Bab Ad-daar / NITE

What does Empathy mean to you? Club Bab Ad-daar opens the door of the theatre to you. Come see what people from Groningen's Bab Ad-daar community have discovered about empathy and jointly attend a performance by a major Dutch dance company in a theatre near you.

Are you attending this programme? Then you will also receive a free ticket to the performance Islands of Empathy by international dance company Club Guy & Roni.

Run time 90 minutes
Genre perspective

Information in Arabic is available via this link.

About Bab Ad-daar

Bab Ad-daar is a community of newcomers with a love of dance, music, theatre. We have found a home with international dance company Club Guy & Roni in Groningen, where the door is always open. Together, we organise activities for other newcomers in the Netherlands and open doors to theatres throughout the Netherlands. Are you coming? Will you come and watch? Will you join us?

Sign up for Bab Ad-daar

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