Dance audioplay at the pool with a cast of enthusiastic swimmers
While swimming laps, choreographer Susanne Marx became fascinated by the biotope of the public swimming pool. A microcosm of different people with equally diverse backgrounds, culturally and economically, as well as in terms of age. The wall of lined-up slow-swimming women a single person cannot swim through. Or the 'type' of fast frontcrawler who thinks that that one lane belongs to them alone. They all swim by in this unique pool choreography and audioplay Banenzwemmers.
EXTENDED / Julidans NL
Run time 30 minutes
Location Zwembad Sloterparkbad
The pool has distinct dynamics. On the one hand there is the physicality and competition of swimming, on the other hand is the meditative side and the vulnerability of the swimmers in the water. Swimming around aimlessly is out of the question, because in the water there are rules about speed and passing each other. Beware, if you do not keep up with them. In that case, a powerful kick in the shins may be waiting for you beneath the surface.
-|-In the pool choreography Banenzwemmers, the audience watches from a tribune how swimmers, who belong to the regular core of pool visitors, swim their routine. Differences soon emerge in speed of the different lanes separated by the rope. Frictions arise. More Swimmers navigate their way through the sloshing water. The status quo in the pool is becoming ever more disturbed.
The soundscape, which the viewer hears through a headset, consists of texts based on interviews with swimmers and other pool users. This led to beautiful personal and philosophical contemplations: how do we interact when we are condemned to each other in public spaces?
concept and choreography Susanne Marx
text Maxine Palit de Jongh, Paulien Bakker
interviews Eva van Pelt
sound design Kirsten Schötteldreier
sound technique Studio Amsterdam
dramaturgy Lise Brenner, Rebecca Wijnruit
publicity Tamar Uylenburg, Famil Zaman -|-
production Rebecca Wijnruit
design Beau Bertens
photography Polly Merovskaya
model Polina Fenko
film documentation Helle Lyshøj