Conversations Out of Place
Conversations Out of Place
‘What is the connection between getting lost in the forest and deleting all human data? The answer is given in Ivana Müller's brilliant show’, wrote the newspaper, Libération. Conversations Out of Place (2017) is about the relationship between humans and nature.
Sat 13 July 16.00
Theater Bellevue
Dutch premiere
75 minutes
No intermission
Julidans Young €12.50
Four people and a plant get lost in a simmering ecosystem.
A group of people are on the road in an unusual, slightly absurd world. They have been traveling together for a long time: days, weeks, or is it years? Although they seem to know the way, they are gradually losing sight of the end point. The story is told by four people and a plant in a simmering ecosystem, where their transit (and their waste) leaves biodiversity forever changed. It is almost a romantic scene - or do we see the last people here before they disappear from nature?
The Croatian Ivana Müller - she grew up in Zagreb and Amsterdam, lives in Paris, works internationally - was inspired by an 18th-century literary genre, the 'conte philosophique'. These were fictional stories in which society was analysed and new ideas could be tested. Conversations Out of Place is such a story. This 'conte philosophique' is about the impact of people on their living environment. The show travelled throughout Europe.
In her work - performances, sets, plays, video, radio plays and theatrical journeys - Müller examines the political in the theatre, imagines the history of (historical) places and searches for ways of involving the viewer. Her performances can be seen at major festivals around the world, such as the Venice Biennale.
Another work by Müller can be seen during Julidans 2019, Hors Champ on 6 and 7 July in Erasmus Park. See page XXX.