Fire will become ashes, but not now

Lieve Stad, 2024

Fire will become ashes, but not now

Pitcho Womba Konga & Mike van Alfen / KVS


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Fire will become ashes, but not now
Pitcho Womba Konga & Mike van Alfen / KVS

What defines who we are: the life we live today or our origins? All over the world, freedom fighters carry the flame of hope for a better world for the black community. Director Pitcho Womba Konga, together with his talented, multi-disciplined cast, immerses you in a bath of questions. Immerse yourself in the universe of Fire Will Become Ashes, But Not Now - a mix of music, slam, beatbox, dance and theatre - and look at tomorrow through a different lens.

Festival Lieve Stad,
Location ITA, Grote Zaal

Run time 90 minutes
Genre Theatre
Language Dutch, English, French
Surtitles Dutch, English

After talk Wed 27 March

Fire Will Become Ashes, But Not Now

In 1963, The Fire Next Time, a pamphlet by James Baldwin, sees the light of day in the US. The text is an unmistakable warning about the consequences of racism and racial segregation, which at the time were rampant in America. That same year, Reverend Martin Luther King uttered the winged words "I have a dream" and Malcolm X advocated racial segregation between black and white. On the African continent, the struggle for independence is struggling to make itself felt and in South Africa, Nelson Mandela is on the dock as part of the Rivonia trial. Around the world, freedom fighters are carrying the flame of hope for a better world for the black community.

But what does it mean to be black? Is it about confronting racism and insecurity? The culture of the oppressed? Today, it is sometimes claimed that we derive more of our individuality from the spirit of the times than from our origins and that differences between us are mainly related to social identity. But is this really the case? Between 1963 and the present day, James Baldwin's warning has unfortunately proved true on several occasions – both inside and outside the US.
Invisible on one side, constantly under scrutiny on the other, this is how much of the population lives. Let us face our 'race', because the 'monster' lives in our institutions as well as in ourselves. Enabling change and struggle is not only the responsibility of people suffering from racism, but the responsibility of the whole society. Like Baldwin, Pitcho Womba Konga believes that shared resilience between black and white is the only way forward. We can only create this resilience if together we have the strength and courage to look the monster in the eye, accept what it says about us and expose and, above all, dare to question the suffering, indifference and guilt.

The fire will undoubtedly return to ashes when our world is sprinkled with love, but we still have a long way to go...


De Morgen

"Theatre producer Pitcho Womba Konga manages to surprise with a dark evening of variety where the audience is allowed to feel a bit uncomfortable."

"A gripping plea for being able to be yourself."

Pleinfoyer, after the performance

After talk Fire Will Become Ashes, But Not Now

Together with a moderator, we will engage in conversation with a guest and someone from the company on the theme of the performance ''What does it mean to be black? Is it about confronting racism and insecurity? The culture of the oppressed? What defines who we are: the life we live today or our origins?''


director, rapper, producer, actor Pitcho Womba Konga
co-director, dramaturg Mike van Alfen
with Karim Kalonji, Awoulath Alougbin, Priscilla Adade, Jhaya Caupenne, Laryssa Kim, Kenza Deba

20 – 30 March

Festival Lieve Stad,

Amsterdam is a city of many faces. Lieve Stad, – a celebration of theatre, art, and dialogue – reflects the dynamics of that metropolitan environment, in which the city itself is a source of inspiration. This festival, a collaboration between ITA and Meervaart, is about bringing people together, in the city, in the theatre, in society. How do we live together and what stories do all individuals and groups carry with them?


More Lieve Stad,