La ménagerie de verre


La ménagerie de verre

Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe / Ivo van Hove


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La ménagerie de verre
Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe / Ivo van Hove
1+rank € 48.50 / 1st rank € 45.50 / 2nd rank € 43 / 3th rank € 38 / 4th rank € 29.50 / 5th rank € 12.50

La Ménagerie de verre (The Glass Menagerie - Tennessee Williams), starring Isabelle Huppert, is Ivo van Hove's second directorial effort for Théâtre de l'Odéon in Paris. In 2017 he created Vu du pont, based on the classic by Arthur Miller.

'In the new Van Hove, Isabelle Huppert plays a cold-hearted mother on the verge of a breakdown.' - De Volkskrant ★★★★

Livestream through ITALive on Saturday, November 27

Starting time 08:00 pm
Duration 105 minutes, no intermission
Language French, with Dutch and English surtitles
Aftertalk with Cyril Guei, Nahuel Perez Biscayart (Nov 26)
Livestream Nov 27, 08:00 pm, € 12.50
Dutch premiere

About La Ménagerie de verre

Ivo van Hove: “La Ménagerie de verre is a key work in the oeuvre of Tennessee Williams. The play takes us to a world of gentle, vulnerable and unhappy characters. A mother, her son, and her disabled daughter lack the strength and resources to protect themselves from the harsh world around them. They retreat into their memories, an idealised past, a make-believe world. Williams’ characters are like glass toys: beautiful, but fragile. It is an artistic challenge and at the same time a dream come true to work with Isabelle Huppert on the adaptation of this most personal and autobiographical piece by Tennessee Williams.” -|- On stage, we see mother Amanda and her children Laura and Tom. Father abandoned the family fifteen years ago, but Amanda still imagines herself a ‘grande dame’. Son Tom, who fancies himself a poet, is the provider for the family. He prefers to be out rather than at home. Daughter Laura never leaves the house and plays inside with her little glass animals. Three people imprisoned by loneliness, three ways of dreaming of a different existence. The arrival of Jim O'Connor, a friend of Tom, brings hope...

La Menagerie de verre Isabelle Huppert Ivo van Hove © Jan Versweyveld
La Menagerie de verre Isabelle Huppert Ivo van Hove © Jan Versweyveld


On November 27, the performance will be streamed live from ITA. The stream has English and Dutch subtitles. Ticket buyers will receive an email two hours before the start with the link and a personal password.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to watch the livestream at another time. We play the performance live on the ITA stage and the livestream is a direct connection so that you can watch what is happening in ITA at home.


director Ivo van Hove
text Tennessee Williams
French translation Isabelle Famchon
English translation Dominique Hollier
dramaturgy Koen Tachelet
scenography and light Jan Versweyveld
An D'Huys
sound and music George Dhauw
artistic collaboration Matthieu Dandreau
actors Isabelle Huppert, Justine Bachelet, Cyril Guei, Nahuel Pérez Biscayart
production Odéon-Théâtre de l'Europe (Paris)
La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand - scène nationale, Onassis Stegi – Athens, deSingel – Antwerp, Barbican – London

with the support of Cercle de l'Odéon and LVMH

THE GLASS MENAGERIE Copyright © 1945, Tennessee Williams - Copyright © Renewed 1973, The University of the South
The play is managed in French-speaking countries by Marie-Cécile Renauld, MCR Literary Agency in agreement with Casarotto Ramsay Ldt.


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