Ouder- en kinderworkshop bij Giselle


Ouder- en kinderworkshop bij Giselle

De Toneelmakerij


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Ouder- en kinderworkshop bij Giselle
De Toneelmakerij

Teach your parents the coolest 'TikTok moves' or tire them out by dancing to their once cool, but now terribly old-fashioned disco moves: we'll do a real dance battle!

Dates December 27 - 29, 1-2:30 pm
Language Dutch

Parent and child workshop: dance your dream!

During the warm-up, you'll share your dreams collectively. Do they always come true? And what do you do when life goes differently? An active work-out in which dance and text alternate, before sinking back in your chair and jointly watch Giselle on stage.
The workshop lasts an hour and a half and is suitable for parents/guardians and children, max. 3 children per parent.

Everything about Giselle

Language NP Language no problem Giselle (8+) Toneelmakerij / DOX / Timothy de Gilde theater-familie Giselle (8+)
Close Giselle (8+) Toneelmakerij / DOX / Timothy de Gilde
A thundering dance and music theatre spectacle with the energy of the street. After previous successes, the Toneelmakerij is once again presenting a performance for families on the big stage, based on a world-famous classic.