'Thus the performance churns to a breathtaking end. With even an encore. After the obligatory opening flowers, the music erupts again and choreographer Yusuf Boss joins the dancers. What a treat.' - Theaterkrant
TOBAN unveils the reality of inequality in a powerful celebration of dance and personal stories infused with expression, resistance, and unmatched resilience.
Welcome to a performance that delves deeper than the surface, where dance is not just movement, but a voice of resistance and resilience. TOBAN, the latest creation by choreographer Mohamed Yusuf Boss (X_YUSUF_BOSS) takes you on a journey through the intricate layers of inequality of opportunity.
Run time 55 minutes
Genre Dance
Language Language no problem
TOBAN explores the idea that you can always be who you want to be, but external forces can restrict and shape this pursuit. As the legendary James Baldwin powerfully expressed it: "You have to choose who you are and force the world to deal with you, not with its idea of you."
TOBAN emerged from a thorough exploration of the personal narratives of Mohamed, the performers, and all the young participants engaged in the HIDDEN project. These stories, gathered through interactions between Groningen and Katlehong in South Africa, serve as the emotional fuel for TOBAN: "Through dance, we aim to immerse the audience in the emotional layers of inequality of opportunity, share insights that are difficult to convey in words, and foster a greater awareness of our own position and that of others," says Mohamed.
This production represents an artistic journey for connection and understanding, rooted in extensive research and personal stories. A talented cast of six dancers - three from the Netherlands and three from South Africa - brings these stories to life on stage.
TOBAN invites you to participate in an intimate exploration of what it means not to belong to the dominant group. Discover resonances that occur when faced with inequality and feel its impact on today's life and the generations of tomorrow.
X_Yusuf_BOSS is the house and platform surrounding the Groningen-based choreographer Mohamed Yusuf Boss. Starting from dance, we build bridges between art disciplines as well as between communities and individuals. The search for a shared humanity, forms the core of our practices. Our working method is based on the hip-hop principle each one teach one, in which everyone who contributes to the collective learns from each other and from the project.
"Thus the performance churns to a breathtaking end. With even an encore. After the obligatory opening flowers, the music erupts again and choreographer Yusuf Boss joins the dancers. What a treat."
de Volkskrant
"Encouraging quotes from black writer James Baldwin (1924-1987), about individual militancy against racism and discrimination, resound on tape. The dancers generously share each other's style and motor skills. They respect each other."
Dagblad van het Noorden
"New performance TOBAN by Mohamed Yusuf Boss shows what can rattle and rage inside a human body, and offers hope."
choreography Mohamed Yusuf Boss
creative producer Mark Fischer
dramaturgy Merel Heering
dancers Shara Maaskant, Ser Sebico, Ada Daniele, Thato Qofela, Abel Vilakezi and Kgadi Motsoane
composer Rik van den Heuvel
scenography Andre Pronk
costume design Omar Munie