Tax benefits of giving and ANBI
The Amsterdam Internationaal Theater Foundation is a charity. The organisation is designated as a cultural General Benefit Organisation (ANBI) and is therefore exempt from inheritance and gift tax. Support for our organisation can therefore be fiscally beneficial. The tax authorities will contribute to your donation. In your tax return, the Tax Administration will ask you for the RSIN of your ANBI. For Foundation Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, this is 814077821.
Private donations
One-off gift
One-off donations can be deducted from your income tax as a personal allowance. Your gift gives you tax benefits, since you may deduct 125% of your donation from the income tax return.
Transfer your donation to (IBAN) account number NL15 RABO 0309 1666 24 f.a.o Stichting Internationaal Theater Amsterdam including the description 'one-off gift'.
Give periodically
Due to the current favourable tax regime for cultural institutions, you can give Internationaal Theater Amsterdam much more than it will cost you net. A donation of, for example, € 1.000 per year, fixed for a period of at least five years, will benefit the theatre annually for the full amount of € 1,000. Under the current Giving Act (Geefwet) and assuming an income tax rate of 52%, this donation will cost you €350 per year. Even if the Giving Act were no longer in force, donations remain very attractive. In that case, you would pay € 480 net annually.