Ammodo has supported International Theater Amsterdam since 2013 (and previously supported Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam and Toneelgroep Amsterdam). In 2020, this collaboration was anchored in a production partnership.

A lasting collaboration

Ammodo has been supporting the ambitions of International Theater Amsterdam for over ten years. It began with theatre festival Brandhaarden, which grew into a platform for the best international makers and companies. With Ammodo’s support, the ensemble also played in the industrial environment of the Ruhrtriennale, and several renowned theater makers such as Angélica Liddell and Isabelle Huppert were invited to the Netherlands. ITA also produced several performances which received international acclaim, such as A Little Life (2018) and Age of Rage (2021).

-|-“The long-term collaboration with Ammodo has greatly contributed to building the international position that International Theater Amsterdam now has. Ammodo’s production partnership strengthens the I in ITA.”
– Ivo van Hove, director of ITA

Production partnership

As of 2020, Ammodo is production partner of ITA, a collaboration which enables the production of several performances per year – both ITA productions and international co-productions. Thanks to this, ITA can continue to fulfill its role as a melting pot of excellent international theatre. Season 2022-2023 will see the premieres stemming from this partnership, including The Damned by Ivo van Hove, Lehman Trilogy by Guy Cassiers and Le Passé by Julien Gosselin.

-|-“ITA has an international reputation for leading the way in the performative arts. By supporting ITA’s forward-looking and state-of-the-art performances, Ammodo contributes to the advancement of theatre.”
– Juliette de Wijkerslooth, director of Ammodo


Language NP Language no problem Love to Death Lemi Ponifasio Dance Love to Death
Close Love to Death Lemi Ponifasio
Lemi Ponifasio brings together on stage a Mapuche singer and composer and a flamenco bailaora (dancer) to talk to us about two worlds through their bodies and stories.
Language NP Language no problem Romáland Onassis Stegi / Anestis Azas & Prodromos Tsinikoris Theater Romáland
Close Romáland Onassis Stegi / Anestis Azas & Prodromos Tsinikoris
Carefree nomads? Great artists? Victims of social structures, or dangerous and delinquent? What, after all, are Roma? And what are they not? Anestis Azas and Prodromos Tsinikoris explore this in a production that walks the line between documentary and fiction about the life of Greek Roma.
Language NP Language no problem The Laws ITA Ensemble Theater The Laws
Close The Laws ITA Ensemble / Eline Arbo
22 Aug '24 to 01 Sep '24
In her debut novel The Laws, Connie Palmen tells the story of a woman in search of herself. Seven encounters with seven men over seven years.
Language NP Language no problem In the Solitude of Cotton Fields Dailes Theatre | Timofey Kulyabin Theater In the Solitude of Cotton Fields
Close In the Solitude of Cotton Fields Dailes Theatre | Timofey Kulyabin
Bernard-Marie Koltès’ play is performed by theatre and cinema stars John Malkovich and Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė.

Overview of past projects

2022-2025: Production partnership including new ITA productions as well as international co-productions
The Damned, Ivo van Hove (ITA production)
Die Dreigroschenoper, Barrie Kosky (international co-production)
Lehman Trilogy, Guy Cassiers (ITA production)
Le Passé, Julien Gosselin (international co-production)
Jungle Book Reimagined, Akram Khan (international co-production)
My Heavenly Favourite, Ivo van Hove (ITA production)
Birds of a Kind, Alize Zandwijk (ITA production)
Penthesilea, Eline Arbo (ITA production)
EXIT ABOVE, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (international co-production)
Love to Death, Lemi Ponifasio (international production)
, Anestis Azas, Prodromos Tsinikoris (international co-production)
Julie, Rebecca Frecknall (ITA production)
De wetten, Eline Arbo (ITA production)
In the Solitude of the Cotton Fields, Timofey Kulyabin (international production)

2020-2021: Production partnership including new ITA productions as well as international co-productions
Children of Nora, Robert Icke (ITA production)
Flight 49, Simon Stone (ITA production)
Romeo and Julia, Michiel van Erp (ITA production)
Una costilla sobre la mesa: Madre, Angelica Lidell (international co-production)
La ménagerie de verre, Ivo van Hove (international co-production)
Age of Rage, Ivo van Hove (ITA production)

Freud, Ivo van Hove (ITA production)

A Little Life
, Ivo van Hove (ITA production)

2666, Julien Gosselin (international co-production)

Husbands and Wives,  Simon Stone (TGA production)

2015-2017: Three ITA productions premiering at the Ruhrtriennale
The Hidden Force, Ivo van Hove
The Things That Pass
, Ivo van Hove
Small Souls, Ivo van Hove

2013-2015 and 2016-2018:
theatre festivals Brandstichter and Brandhaarden