
Marieke Heebink

Marieke Heebink (1962) has joined the ITA Ensemble in 1994.

In season 23|24 she will perform in the remake of Angels in America (regie Ivo van Hove) and in the revivals of Penthesilea (director Eline Arbo), The Hours (director Eline Arbo), Medea (director Simon Stone) and Birds of a Kind (director Alize Zandwijk).


Heebink played before at ITA in The Damned, Children of Nora, Medea, Oedipus, Death in Venice, Husbands and wives, Roman Tragedies, After the rehearsal / Persona (nomination Theo d'Or), The hidden force, The maids, Kings of war, Angels in America, Nora, Ghosts, Antonioni Project, All my Sons, The miser, Crusades, The pelican, Summer trilogy (nomination Colombina), Cat on a hot tin roof, A bride in the morning. Long day's journey into night, After the Fall (nomination Colombina), The Russians! (nomination Colombina), Ifigeneia in Aulis, Perfect wedding, Tragedie, Madame de Sade, Oresteia, Britannicus, Bedrog, Keetje van heilbron, Drie zusters, De wilde eend, Mind the gap, Macbeth, Heiner Müller: kwartet, Jeanne d'Arc van de slachthuizen, Dark lady, Een ideale vrouw (Theo d'Or), Haar leven, haar doden, Zes personages op zoek (nomination Theo d'Or), Een soort Hades (nomination Colombina), De miraculeuze come-back van Mea I. Loman, Ivanov, 't Is geen vioolconcert, Een subtiel evenwicht, Klaagliederen, Bij Jules en Alice, Orgie, Battles and metamorphoses of woman and A little life.

She was awarded with a Theo d'Or for her role of Constance Middleton in The constant wife (1999) and for her part of Anna in Medea (2015). She was nominated for a Theo d'Or for Oedipus (2018), Persona (2013) and Zes personages op zoek (1998) and nominated for a Colombina for Een soort Hades (1997), Summer trilogy (2010), The Russians! (2012) and After the fall (2012).

Before she started at ITA, Heebink performed at De Trust. In addition, she could be seen in the television series Mevrouw de minister [Madam minister] and Bij ons in de Jordaan [Here in the Jordaan] and in the film Eilandgasten [Island visitors]. She won a Gouden Kalf for her role in the film 1000 Rosen [1000 Roses] (1993).

| nomination Theo d'Or | Oedipus at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| Theo d'Or | Medea at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| nomination Theo d'Or | Persona at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| nomination Colombina | De Russen! at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| nomination Colombina | Na de zondeval at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| nomination Colombina | Zomertrilogie at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| Theo d’Or | Een ideale vrouw at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| nomination Theo d’Or | Zes personages op zoek at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| nomination Colombina | Een soort Hades at Toneelgroep Amsterdam
| Gouden kalf | 1000 Rosen
| nomination Colombina | Platonov at De Trust

Marieke Heebink


Bodem | Eva Crutzen
Sleepers | Videoland
Koolhoven presenteert | Martin Koolhoven
Trauma Porn Club | Michael Middelkoop


Anoniem | Diederik Van Rooijen

Sleepers | Simon de Waal
Rampvlucht | Lourens Blok

Deep Shit | Jamille van Wijngaarden

Van der Valk | NL Film & TV
Papadag | BosBros

Wat is dan liefde | Aniëlle Webster

De luizenmoeder | Bing Film & TV
Redbad | Roel Reiné

Heer & Meester | Omroep MAX
La Famiglia | AVROTROS
Petticoat | KRO-NCRV

Gouden Bergen | TALPA
Moordvrouw | RTL
Rundfunk | KRO-NCRV

Basil H. | Janneke van Heesch

Flikken Maastricht | TROS
20 Leugens, 4 ouders en een scharrelei | Hanro Smitsman

Het gouden huwelijk | Paul Ruven

Mixed Up | NCRV
Rembrandt en ik | Marleen Gorris

Grijpstra en de Gier | RTL4

Eilandgasten | Karim Traidia
Circus Waltz | VARA/VPRO/NPS
De zaak Malevich | NPS

Keyzer & De Boer Advocaten | KRO/NCRV
Zondag | De Luwte
Mevrouw de minister | VPRO

Lava Lounge | Ro-theater

Bij ons in de Jordaan | VPRO

De zeven deugden, brok-stukken

En route | VPRO
Zap | Paul Ruven
Oude tongen | Gerardjan Rijnders

1000 Rosen | Theu Boermans
Hartverscheurend | Mijke de Jong

Op afbetaling | Frans Weisz
Verhalen van de straat | Marleen Gorris
Oom Wanja | De Trust
Art en Pro | De Trust

Kracht | Frouke Fokkema
Wij houden zo van Julio | Ramon Gieling
Platonov | De Trust
Een meeuw | De Trust
Penthesilea | De Trust
Schwab | De Trust
Overgewicht | De Trust


Language NP Language no problem penthesilea ITA Ensemble Theater penthesilea
Close penthesilea ITA Ensemble / Eline Arbo
10 Sep '24 to 28 Sep '24
In this searing drama about a fatal love, a blistering passion churns unstoppably to the surface.
Language NP Language no problem Birds of a Kind
on Tour
ITA Ensemble Theater Birds of a Kind
Close Birds of a Kind ITA Ensemble / Alize Zandwijk
12 Feb '25 to 15 Mar '25
When the German-Jewish Eitan and the American-Arab Wahida happen to meet in the library of New York, they fall in love instantly. But is their relationship likely to succeed?
Language NP Language no problem Angels in America ITA Ensemble Theater Angels in America
Close Angels in America ITA Ensemble / Ivo van Hove
11 Apr '25 to 28 Apr '25
In 2008, Ivo van Hove directed a radical Angels in America which Tony Kushner himself, after his passage through Amsterdam, dubbed his favourite version up to then. It is this version that is now being staged again, with some actors from the original cast and some new actors from the ITA Ensemble.
Language NP Language no problem The Hours
on Tour
ITA Ensemble Theater The Hours
Close The Hours ITA Ensemble / Eline Arbo
20 Jun '25 to 22 Jun '25
The stage adaptation of Michael Cunningham's The Hours.
Language NP Language no problem The Hours
on Tour
ITA Ensemble Theater The Hours
Close The Hours ITA Ensemble / Eline Arbo
04 Jul '25 to 06 Jul '25
The stage adaptation of Michael Cunningham's The Hours.