Alles komt goed


Alles komt goed

Orkater / Belle van Heerikhuizen


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Alles komt goed
Orkater / Belle van Heerikhuizen
€ 31,50

Six characters in search of hope. Of another vision, a positive sound. With Rutger Bregman's book De meeste mensen deugen (Most people are decent) in hand. Musical theatre that works like a shot of serotonin. This performance will be spoken in Dutch.

start at 20:00
space Rabozaal
duration tbc
language spoken in Dutch

Orkater radically opts for an optimistic sound. They receive moral support for this, and not least from: anarcho-communist Peter Kropotkin, biologist Frans de Waal and journalist Rutger Bregman. Based on their work and other articles, research, theories and insights (and a splash of gypsy jazz and rock music) we will see: everything will be fine. In short, a performance that is hopeful and optimistic. Not least thanks to the gypsy jazz of Radek Fedyk and the rock of Erik van der Horst.


regie Belle van Heerikhuizen

concept en tekst Geert Lageveen en Leopold Witte

muziek Erik van der Horst en Radek Fedyk

spel Myrthe Burger, Manoushka Zeegelaar Breeveld, Geert Lageveen, Leopold Witte, Radek Fedyk en Erik van der Horst

vormgeving Ruben Wijnstok kostuums Arien de Vries

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