Alles naar de Hemel

Lieve Stad, 2023

Alles naar de Hemel

Tg. Winterberg / Feikes Huis


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Alles naar de Hemel
Tg. Winterberg / Feikes Huis

Alles naar de Hemel is a loving ode to everyone who loves their children. When a pregnant woman is told that the baby growing inside her has an insurmountable defect, she and her husband face an impossible dilemma: do they choose life or death?

'It's about life and death, about who you are as a human being and what choices you make. The most beautiful and intense inspiration in life.'
- Marlyn Coetsier (theatre maker)

Festival Lieve Stad,
Location Meervaart - Blauwe zaal

Run time 75 minutes
Genre Theatre

In Gesprek Thu 23 March

Alles naar de Hemel

In the theatrical film adaptation of Alles naar de Hemel, magical images, live music, stop-motion, clay animation and puppets form a surreal in-between world. There, the expectant parents' search starts for an answer to an impossible dilemma: what do you do if test results show that the baby has an insurmountable defect?

Alles naar de Hemel is based on an (autobiographical) fact that is too little talked about. While behind many closed doors in the Netherlands it does pass. And where, the moment it presents itself, there is a flood of experiences, feelings and emotions.

Commentary by Tg. Winterberg before screening of the theatrical film adaptation (with the original actor):
'In corona time, this performance was lovingly made between all the lockdowns. The tour originally planned could not go ahead at the time. We were preparing for a new series in 2023. And then one of the actors became seriously ill. Because this show is so incredibly dear to us and we wanted to share it with the audience, we searched for a replacement actor. Unfortunately, as this process progressed, so many ifs and buts came our way again that expectations had to be constantly adjusted. The conclusion now is that within the time and conditions as they stand, we cannot get the show up to the 2021 level.'



'Alles naar de hemel beautifully gives voice to dilemmas about the value of unborn life'


Blow after blow is dealt to the expectant parents. But even these they interpret with loving lightness

In Gesprek: Marlyn Coetsier and Rob Vriens

After the performance, Christiaan Mooij will be in conversation with Marlyn Coetsier (acting, design & puppets) and Rob Vriens (director).

In Gesprek is free to attend and starts shortly after the performance.


concept Tg. Winterberg
directed by Silvia Andringa, Rob Vriens
text Heleen Verburg
acting Lennart Monaster
acting, design & puppets Marlyn Coetsier
audio production & music Nineyards Audio
set design Jolanda Lanslot
costume Regina Rorije
dramaturgy Pol Eggermont
video technique Gertjan Biasino
lighting design Maarten Verheggen
intern light Kiki Roodzant
technique Joram van Vliet
image flyer Rik Engelgeer
sales & publicity Feikes Huis
business manager Vera van Baal, Wilma Kuite
film director Tim Klaase
DOP Sal Kroonenberg
with thanks to Rubin van Gent, Otis, Homme, Faas and Barry

17 - 26 March

Festival Lieve Stad,

Amsterdam is a city of many faces, literally, because we live here together with many different nationalities. Lieve Stad is about the city and all its inhabitants. This festival, a collaboration between ITA and Meervaart, is about bringing people together, in the city, in the theatre, in society. How do we live together and what stories do all individuals and groups carry with them? They all have their own stories, strengths and challenges. Showing these is the starting point of Lieve Stad,.

More Lieve Stad,