Artist Talk: Wunderbaum


Artist Talk: Wunderbaum

ITA Academy


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Artist Talk: Wunderbaum
ITA Academy

A look behind the scenes and conversation with the makers form an interesting contribution to your visit of a performance. Therefore, ITA Academy continues the series of Artist Talks: in-depth discussions with inspiring makers about their work and working methods, motives, sources of inspiration and fascinations.

Artist Talks take place before or after a performance by the artist in question and offer an in-depth look at the work in a broader context.

Run time 60 minutes
Language Dutch
Location Pleinfoyer

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Artist Talk: Wunderbaum

In this edition of our program Artist Talk, moderator Carolien Borgers joins the audience in a conversation with theatre group WUNDERBAUM. Sitting in a foyer, with a drink in hand, we will discuss their work and working methods, motivations and sources of inspiration in a one-hour conversation.
Before the Artist Talk, WUNDERBAUM's latest performance WUNDERBAUM plays LIVE (online it's a mess) will be performed at ITA. Also be welcome to join the Artist Talk only.

Wunderbaum plays live (online it's a mess)
Wunderbaum plays live (online it's a mess)