Best of IDFA: Award Winners
A selection of the best films from IDFA 2023, especially compiled into a full day program. All the films included in this program received an IDFA Award, selected by an international jury of professionals from the documentary, film and art world. The films in this program will be announced after the Award Ceremony in 16 November. All films are English spoken or subtitled in English. The end time is preliminary and depends on the film selection.
Festival IDFA
Location Rabozaal
Run time 10 am - 6 pm
Genre Film
About IDFA
IDFA strives to strengthen the international documentary climate by focusing more than ever on documentary film as an art form. This focus includes documentary films with an original visual language or structure, films that show lesser-known cultures or are filmed from a non-Western perspective, and interactive or immersive documentaries that innovate the field.