


Club Guy & Roni (NL) / Khalid Benghrib (MR) / HIIIT


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Club Guy & Roni (NL) / Khalid Benghrib (MR) / HIIIT

Club Guy & Roni has had it with doom-mongering and cynicism; what the world needs is hope and trust in the future. In a unique combination of explosive dance, Moroccan Gnawa trance and data-driven electronics, nine dancers and five musicians explore the spiritual spaces between tradition and progress.

Festival Julidans
Programme section Julidans On Stage / Julidans NL

World premiere

Location Internationaal Theater Amsterdam
Venue Grote Zaal
Run time 60 minutes
Genre Dance
Language Language no problem


is a transformative journey into a spiritual world from which we in the West have perhaps drifted too far away. The performance brings together dancers from Club Guy & Roni and Moroccan dance company Cie 2k_Far with five musicians from the HIIIT ensemble (previously Slagwerk Den Haag), among others, from the Netherlands and Morocco. Together, they explore a common ground – a both fragile and dynamic 'in-between space' – that is essential for a shared belief in the future.

FAITH refers not only to religious belief, but also to the trust you have in another person. The inspiration for this performance comes from Guy Weizman's Moroccan roots, which he shares with Khalid Benghrib, the frontman of Cie 2k_Far. Weizman feels an artistic kinship with Benghrib in their efforts to use dance as a form of total theatre.

The centuries-old Moroccan Gnawa musical tradition serves as a catalyst for their artistic collaboration. Gnawa, with its guembri (three-stringed bass lute), qraqebs (metal castanets) and intoxicating repetitive chants, is known as the 'desert blues'. It evokes a trance experience during lila healing rituals, where djinns (spirits) are summoned to face the darker aspects of life.
Young composer Max Frimout (1999) challenges the Gnawa with electronic music using modular synthesisers and data-driven computer programmes. The space between the two musical extremes is explored by choreographer Roni Haver with a splashing physicality.

FAITH is the latest work within The Human Odyssey series, following previous successful productions such as Fortune and Islands of Empathy. In this series, Club Guy & Roni brings together different cultures and worldviews and makes them collide, aiming to unveil underlying human connections. The company has a loyal fan base thanks to its use of exciting live music and spectacular choreography.


choreography Khalid Benghrib, Roni Haver, Guy Weizman
dancers Adam Peterson, Harléya Luya, Jésula Toussaint Visser, Kamal Aadissa, Mehdi Dahkan, Mouad Aissi, Rosie Reith, Sofiko Nachkebiya, Tatiana Matveeva
musicians Karima El Fillali, Max Frimout, Mehdi Nassouli, Niels Meliefste and Ryoko Imai
composer Max Frimout
scenography Ascon de Nijs
costume design MAISON the FAUX
light design Maarten van Rossem
sound design Peter Zwart
dramaturgy Friederike Schubert
director's assistant Igor Podsiadly