Here whilst we walk


Here whilst we walk

Gustavo Ciríaco (BR) & Andrea Sonnberger (AT)


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Here whilst we walk
Gustavo Ciríaco (BR) & Andrea Sonnberger (AT)

Attention: the walk on Saturday 13 July at 11:00 am is cancelled.

Walking purely for fun, without rushing and without a preconceived goal. Inspired by the idea of an artwork as a total experience, dance artists Gustavo Ciríaco (Brazil) and Andrea Sonnberger (Austria) take the audience on a silence walk through Amsterdam. To be completely absorbed in it and feel consciously part of it.

The walking performance Here whilst we walk previously visited cities such as Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, and Rio de Janeiro. During Julidans 2024, it will be Amsterdam's turn. The concept is deceptively simple: a group of at least six but no more than twenty people walk through the city. The group is enclosed by a rubber elastic band that folds and stretches according to the movement of the participants.

Festival Julidans
Programme section Julidans Open Air

Dutch premier

Location Route through Amsterdam
Start location Podium Mozaïek (Bos en Lommerweg 191, Amsterdam)
Run time 60 minutes (excl. possible travel back to start location)
Genre Dance
Language Language no problem

Here whilst we walk

The group is a bit like an amoeba, constantly changing shape depending on the cityscape. Along narrow pavements, the group appears as a small line, in squares and parks, the shape becomes long and wide. Thus, architecture becomes interactive: the participant expresses his/her presence in the here and now. And the city is expressed through the participant's body.

The Amsterdam you experience in Here whilst we walk is not defined by urban structures, but by the people themselves. The elastic band separates the group from its surroundings. Everyone inside it now belongs together. But involuntarily, the participant also becomes a canvas for the fantasies of passers-by: what is happening there, what are these people doing?

Ciríaco and Sonnberger's work challenges boundaries and encourages audiences to think about the connections they experience: in themselves and with the world.
Here whilst we walk is a unique walking performance where the audience walks along within an elastic band. We ask participants to take the following into account:

  • The walk lasts one hour. It is therefore important for participants to check whether it is physically possible to walk for an hour.
  • The starting location is Podium Mozaïek (Bos en Lommerweg 191, 1055 DT Amsterdam).
  • Because every person who signs up really does participate, we ask you to cancel via if you cannot come. If there are too few participants, the walk cannot take place.
  • The minimum age for participation is 6 years.
  • The walk does not end at the starting point. Therefore, it is good to take into account a duration of 1.5 hours if you have to pick up your bike/bag at the starting location.


creation, discussion &performance Gustavo Ciríaco and Andrea Sonnberger
co-production Alkantara (Portugal) and Panorama de Dança (Brazil)
support Tanztendenz München e.V. and Goethe Institut Rio de Janeiro
sponsored by European Cultural Foundation, Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
special thanks to Udo Quast, Bojana Cvejic, Mark Deputer, Catarina Saraiva, Nayse Lopez, Eduardo Bonito, Isabel Ferreira and to the Staffs of Alkantara and Panorama de Dança festivals