
To make your visit as simple as possible, ITA provides special facilities for visitors with a disability.


Wheelchair & mobility scooter users

ITA is easily accessible for wheelchair users. There are adapted elevators and adapted toilets. Seats has been reserved in the hall for wheelchair users and their companions. Please always book these reserved seats by telephone at the box office +31 (0)20 624 23 11 so that we can guarantee that they are available to you.

Mobility scooters are not allowed for safety reasons. You can use a loan wheelchair for transport to the venues.

For visitors who have walking difficulties, it is good to know that there is still a reasonable distance to be covered on foot from the elevator to the Rabozaal.


Foreign-language performances are surtitled in Dutch. Wherever you sit in the auditorium, the Dutch surtitles will be readable.

The ITA ensemble performances will have English surtitles on Thursdays. Please note that these English surtitles cannot be seen from every seat. In the Rabo Hall (Rabozaal), the surtitles are readable from row 9 and up and in the Great Hall (Grote zaal) on the parterre centre from row 9 and up, the 1st balcony centre and the 2nd balcony centre. During the purchase process, it will be indicated whether or not your seat offers a view of the surtitles. We advise visitors who depend on surtitles to follow the instructions so that you can simultaneously see the stage and the surtitles at a glance.

Hearing impaired

Special hearing amplifications are available in both halls. There is no extra charge for its use here.

You can collect (and return) the device from the guest person in the info hall. We ask you to leave a pawn (can be any card with at least your name on it) when you pick it up. Upon returning, you will receive your pawn back.

Visually impaired

Trained guide dogs and (SOHO) assistance dogs are welcome, if you report their arrival in advance at the box office (+31 (0)20 624 23 11).

Public Transport Escort Card

Holders of a Dutch Public Transport Escort Card (OV-Begeleiderskaart) can bring one escort to the performance free of charge.


Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

Not all disabilities are visible; some are hidden and not immediately recognisable, such as learning disabilities, mental health problems and mobility, speech, visual or hearing impairments. Wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower keycord discreetly alerts people (including staff, colleagues and carers) that one may need extra support, help or a little more time.

ITA supports this initiative and our staff are ready to (re)recognise wearers of the keycord, making their experience more comfortable.

Read more about Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

Handicapped parking card

Free parking is available for Amsterdam residents with a National Parking Exemption (LPO) or a European disabled parking card (EGP). A day pass is available for visitors to the city. This can be collected at Cition Parking Management.

overview of disabled parking places in Amsterdam