November 24 / Internationaal Theater Amsterdam

ITA modifies programming spring 2023

International Theatre Amsterdam is cancelling a number of performances in spring 2023. This measure is being taken to reduce the workload.

Programming adjustments will be made to the ITA ensemble, guest company performances, education and rental activities. The national tour of The Hours will be cancelled, as will the production The Magic Mountain and the live stream of The Year of the Lobster. Adjustments will also be made in guest programming, all together totalling 15% of the total planned activities. Interventions allow ITA to safeguard the remaining schedule of productions and programming in the current season.

After the pandemic, ITA presented an ambitious programme at the beginning of the 2022-2023 theatre season. However, the effects of corona are still felt daily at the company and the organisation, as in the entire sector. ITA managed to find 20 new staff members in recent months, despite the prevailing labour market tightness. However, 16 vacancies are still currently open, especially for technical positions.

Last April, the premiere of the show The Magic Mountain was cancelled when overwork threatened staff. This was the signal for ITA to set up a technical committee and engage an independent expert. A number of recommendations from this process have since been implemented within ITA. For instance, work schedules have been adjusted, more preparation time is allocated per production and technicians are given the opportunity to carry out a test build at other locations.

By making the adjustments, ITA creates 'space to keep doing the work well', according to the management. ITA attaches great importance to high-quality programming. 'For that, the sustainable employability of staff is the most important precondition.'

According to the management, the decision was 'not taken lightly'. 'It affects employees, guest performers, ticket buyers, venues and guest companies. At the same time, we are sticking to our mission. This spring too, ITA will bring new productions and festivals with sharp and urgent stories, both from its own ensemble and from national and international companies.'