


Nasrdin Dchar / Floris van Delft


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Nasrdin Dchar / Floris van Delft
€10 - €29,50

Suppose it is December 2029, ten years from now. You sit very close together with family and friends and look back at how this decade started.Remember 2020, that was the year of... collection? Of change? Revolution even? Or silence? Silence? Connection?

starts at 19:00 & 21:00 uur
duration 60 minutes
space Grote zaal
language Spoken in Dutch

In ADEM Nasrdin Dchar searches, in his own personal way, for a grip on this year's chaos. What will we never forget about 2020? And will it really change the world and us?


text & performance Nasrdin Dchar
text & direction Floris van Delft