All of My Love


All of My Love

Ioanna Paraskevopoulou (GR)


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All of My Love
Ioanna Paraskevopoulou (GR)

What would the soundtrack of farewell sound like? Or a last dance? For Ioanna Paraskevopoulou, this might be the buzzing of a vacuum cleaner on Saturday morning, the scraping of a snow shovel or a home video of a family reunion. Every one of them building blocks for creating a ritual environment, in which new forms of connection and meaning can emerge.

All of My Love
takes its name from Led Zeppelin's rock ballad in which frontman Robert Plant pays tribute to his late son. Although the song itself is not heard in the performance, Greek choreographer Ioanna Paraskevopoulou was inspired by the reflection on the mystery of transience expressed in the song. It prompted her to create her own 'narration' of feelings around loss and farewell.

Festival Julidans
Programme section Julidans On Stage / Julidans NEXT

Dutch premiere

Location Frascati
Venue Frascati 2
Run time 45 minutes
Genre Dance
Language Language no problem

All of
My Love is a choreographic composition of memories in image, sound, and movement. But at the same time more than that: it is a love letter and a universal tribute to those who are no longer with us. Paraskevopoulou creates a dynamic landscape where nothing stands still and everything is constantly changing. This leads to a powerful, sensory experience that explores and challenges the boundaries of loss.

Ioanna Paraskevopoulou describes All of My Love as a kinetic and sonic cry for everything that is not there, for everything that ends. And for everything that exists and transforms. "It is a peek into the closet of emotions, the repository of events that have become history. Painful and inevitable. Personal and shared."
Ioanna Paraskevopoulou is a dancer and choreographer from Athens. She rapidly developed into one of the striking faces of the exciting Greek dance and theatre scene. Her work is characterised by a focus on the relationship between audiovisual media and movement.

About Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Ioanna Paraskevopoulou is a dancer and choreographer from Athens. She graduated from the Greek National School of Dance and is currently studying at the Department of Audiovisual Arts at Ionian University, Greece. Her artistry focuses on the relationship between audiovisual media and movement. She was awarded the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Artist Fellowship ARTWORKS (2019). She created her choreographic video project All She Likes Is Popping Bubble Wrap as part of the Onassis New Choreographers Festival 8, which was later awarded the Best Sound Design Award at the FIVideodanza Festival and the Best Video Art Award at the Maracay International Film & Video Festival (MIFVIF). She also presented the 10-minute piece Coconut Effect at the Danse Élargie competition, where she won the Young Jury Award. MOS was selected by Aerowaves Twenty23 and continues to tour international festivals.


concept, choreography & performance Ioanna Paraskevopoulou
sound design & music Aliki Leftherioti
set design Eleni Stroulia & Ioanna Paraskevopoulou
lighting design Eliza Alexandropoulou Dramaturgical Contribution Elena Novakovits Video Technical Support: Lampros Papoulias
text, editing of archival material & photo editing Ioanna Paraskevopoulou
assistant choreographer Elpiniki Saripanidou
assistant set designer Nikos Papadopoulos
photography Yannis Bournias, Pinelopi Gerasimou, Andreas Simopoulos
executive production Kassie Kafetsi – Cultόpιa
with the support of Neon Organization For Culture And Development Residency
supported by La Briqueterie Cdcn Du Val-De-Marne / Fondation D’entreprise Hermès
commissioned & produced Onassis Stegi
co-produced by One Dance Festival/ Bulgaria
supported by The Onassis Stegi “Outward Turn” Cultural Export Program
many thanks to kalamata Dance Festival, Alexandros Tomaras, Christos Polimenakos, Danis Chatzivasilakis, Stage 38

Presented with touring support by Onassis Stegi – Outward Turn Program