What do free people nowadays need to know about the world? Choreographer and associate artist Bill T. Jones asked himself this question when he and his dance company started working on his new piece, Curriculum.
start 20:30 (6 and 7 June)
duration 1 hour (no break)
hall Rabozaal
introduction 19.45
Meet the artist 7.6 na afloop Bill T. Jones, Janet Wong
He took one of his own choreographies, a postmodern piece from 1995 titled New Duet, as the starting point. Through language, looming questions about major topics such as race, sex, popular culture, future and fear find an indirect, poetic way into the work. Jones invites his dancers to experiment with language. Their words – fragmented and random – reflect contemporary debates, creating a raw, challenging counterpart to their precise movements. Each performance has its own dynamics, because the cast and the music will be different each night.
concept: Bill T. Jones
choreography: Bill T. Jones, Janet Wong, Bill T. Jones/ Arnie Zane Company
light: Robert Wierze
costume: Liz Prince