Krapps Laatste Band / Sea Wall


Krapps Laatste Band / Sea Wall

Het Nationale Theater speelt altijd


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Krapps Laatste Band / Sea Wall
Het Nationale Theater speelt altijd
€ 13,50 - € 29,50

The actors of Het Nationale Theater play intimate performances that reflect on the current situation and on life in the new world that is to follow. Words of comfort, hope and distraction, which will sing the praises of the love for theatre and being together. Tonight you will see Krapps laatste band (spoken in Dutch) and Seawall (spoken in Eeglish).

from 19:30
duration tbc
space Grote Zaal
language Seawall is spoken in English

Krapps laatste band

Krapps laatste band

Waiting for Godot and Eindspel make Erik Whien the contemporary Dutch Beckett-Krapps laatste band with Jaap Spijkers.

texst: Samuel Beckett | direction: Erik Whien | translation: Jacoba van Velde | with: Jaap Spijkers | dramaturgy: Karim Ameur | kostuums: Lotte Goos

Sea Wall

A haunting monologue about the bond between a man and his father-in-law, by Simon Stephens, performed in English by Emmanuel Ohene Boafo.

tekst: Simon Stephens | regie: Erik Whien spel: Emmanuel Ohene Boafo | dramaturgie: Martine Manten | kostuums: Lotte Goos

Het Nationale Theater speelt altijd

The actors of Het Nationale Theater play intimate performances that reflect on the current situation and on life in the new world that is to follow. Words of comfort, hope and distraction, which will sing the praises of the love for theatre and being together

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The actors of Het Nationale Theater play intimate performances that reflect on the current situation and on life in the new world that is to follow. Words of comfort, hope and distraction, which will sing the praises of the love for theatre and being together. Tonight you will see Liefdesverkla...