The Cherry Orchard (La Cerisaie)

Holland Festival

The Cherry Orchard (La Cerisaie)

Anton Tsjechov, Tiago Rodrigues, Isabelle Huppert, Adama Diop


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The Cherry Orchard (La Cerisaie)
Anton Tsjechov, Tiago Rodrigues, Isabelle Huppert, Adama Diop
1st rank € 45 / 2nd rank € 40

Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard brought back to its core

After living in Paris for years, a woman, played by French star actress Isabelle Huppert, returns to the family estate where she grew up with her brother. It is about to be sold because of debts.

Festival Holland Festival

Run time 150 minutes
Genre Theatre
Language French
Surtitles Dutch, English

Meet the Artist sat June 11

Portuguese director Tiago Rodrigues is known for his simple but effective theatrical language. With few elements, on a minimalist stage set, the focus is on the actors and the heart of their story. He likes to break with existing rules of theatre like the fourth wall and has actors address the audience directly.

This is the first time Rodrigues is working with an existing, classic text. Anton Chekhov wrote his tragicomic classic The Cherry Orchard in 1904. -|- Though the piece is about giving up a centuries-old orchard during the early rise of capitalism, for Rodrigues it is at its core about the dawn of a new world no one understands yet. The world is changing faster than the family can keep up with, and each character reacts to the situation in a different way. Ljoebov (played by Huppert) clings to the past, radical in her nostalgia and melancholy, while for example the businessman Lopachin (played by Adama Diop) is more adaptive to the changes that are underway.

Meet the Artist

After the performance on June 11 there will be an aftertalk with Tiagio Rodrigues led by Sjen Scheijen.

direction and lyrics
Tiago Rodrigues
Anton Tchekhov
Hélder Gonçalves
Isabelle Huppert, Isabel Abreu, Tom Adjibi, Nadim Ahmed, Suzanne Aubert, Marcel Bozonnet, Océane Cairaty, Alex Descas, Adama Diop, David Geselson, Grégoire Monsaingeon, Alison Valence
music performed by
Manuela Azevedo, Hélder Gonçalves
André Markowicz, Françoise Morvan
translation in English for surtitles
stage design
Fernando Ribeiro
direction assistance
Ilyas Mettioui
Nuno Meira
Pedro Costa
José António Tenente
hair & make-up
Sylvie Cailler, Jocelyne Milazzo
set construction
Ateliers du Festival d'Avignon
costumes manufacture
Atelier du TNP de Villeurbanne
Festival d’Avignon
Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Théâtre National Populaire de Villeurbanne, Comédie de Genève, La Coursive Scène nationale de la Rochelle, Wiener Festwochen, Comédie de Clermont Ferrand, Teatro di Napoli – Teatro Nazionale, Fondazione Campania Dei Festival – Compania Teatro Festival, Théâtre de Liège, Holland Festival, Herman Heijermans National Taichung Theater (Taiwan), Teatro di Napoli – Teatro Nazionale, Fondazione Campania Dei Festival – Compania Teatro Festival, Théâtre de Liège, Holland Festival, Herman Heijermans, Internationaal Theater Amsterdam
La FabricA du Festival d’Avignon, Odéon - Théâtre de l’Europe
in collaboration with
France Médias Monde

About Holland Festival

Holland Festival is the largest international performing arts festival of the Netherlands and one of the oldest festivals of Europe. The festival was established in 1947 and will celebrate its 75-year anniversary in 2022.

It takes places every year, In June, in and around Amsterdam, at various locations, both indoors and outdoors, both large-scale and intimate, both online and offline.

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