Surpassing the beeline

Lieve Stad, 2023

Surpassing the beeline

Abhishek Thapar


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Surpassing the beeline
Abhishek Thapar

Surpassing the beeline delves into the stories of Amsterdam's expat community. Stories of those who are emigrants when they leave home and become immigrants elsewhere; their past, present and sense of 'home' completely intertwined. The emigrant from one country, is the immigrant from another.

Festival Lieve Stad,
Location ITA - Grote zaal

Run time 90 minutes
Genre Theatre
Language English

Surpassing the beeline

Immigration history, mainly written in the countries of arrival, has mostly focused on the problematic policies and experiences of entry, acceptance, rejection and/or placement of newcomers, while expats always bypass this circus because of their economic status.

Meet your fellow city dweller 'the expat' in an intimate setting as they share their stories and favourite dish with you. Come with an empty stomach, as a meal will be served during the performance.
During the previous edition of Frascati Issues: The (un)told city (November 2017), Abhishek Thapar presented an initial research on the Indian expat community in Amsterdam within Stadslab. Surpassing the beeline is a further elaboration of this.

The title 'Surpassing the beeline' comes from the idea that expats never walk a straight line from A to B when it comes to coming home or the concept of home. After all, their home is constantly in flux; constantly changing, shifting, shuffling.


concept & direction Abhishek Thapar
performance by Rinku Kalsy, Hilda Moucharrafieh, Vaishali Nanda, masharu, Sahil Sahni, YiLing Hung

A Frascati Productie

17 - 26 March

Festival Lieve Stad,

Amsterdam is a city of many faces, literally, because we live here together with many different nationalities. Lieve Stad is about the city and all its inhabitants. This festival, a collaboration between ITA and Meervaart, is about bringing people together, in the city, in the theatre, in society. How do we live together and what stories do all individuals and groups carry with them? They all have their own stories, strengths and challenges. Showing these is the starting point of Lieve Stad,.

More Lieve Stad,