September 28 / Internationaal Theater Amsterdam

Reaction to message Hélène Devos (Updated 15 November 2023)

Following a number of posts on social media by Hélène Devos, we are compelled to provide an update to our earlier post.

An independent external investigation into transgressive behaviour is currently taking place on the initiative of the management. Signals from Hélène Devos are the reason for this investigation. The investigation is being conducted by agency Verinorm, which also recently investigated transgressive behaviour in the dance world and top sports culture.

Simultaneously, at Devos' request, talks are taking place with her lawyer about the dissolution of her contract. These talks are still ongoing, and we have agreed not to say anything about this during the talks. The fact that she does bring something out is up to her.

We want to stress that we deeply regret this course of events.

Statement 4 October 2023

Following Hélène Devos' recent post on Instagram, a conversation with her has taken place. In it, Devos indicated that she has not resigned from Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA). On the initiative of the management, an independent investigation will take place in which the signs of mentally and physically transgressive behaviour will be further investigated. In the interest of this investigation, we will make no further announcements at this time.


ITA places great importance on a working environment in which everyone feels at home and finds any form of cross-border behaviour unacceptable. For that reason, further measures have been taken in recent years with its own 'inappropriate conduct' regulation, the appointment of an external confidential advisor, an intimacy coordinator and the start of a 'safe workplace' focus group in which employees and members of the OR (Works Council) and management team participate. Ongoing training courses are also offered in areas such as social safety and diversity & inclusion.

Read more about how ITA handles workplace safety here.