AchterdebergAcademie en Visio Amsterdam Spelen Omstanders in ITA Toneelbeeld
AchterdebergAcademie en Visio Amsterdam Spelen Omstanders in ITA Toneelbeeld
Omstanders, after Medea, is a contemporary adaptation based on improvisations by the players, Euripides' Medea and Medea. Voices by Christa Wolf.
The performance is a collaboration between AchterdebergAcademie and Visio Amsterdam and is performed by a diverse group of fully sighted, partially sighted and blind actors in the set of Medea by ITA.
Spelen in het toneelbeeld
Run time 60 minutes
Genre theatre
Language Dutch
A group of citizens waits outside Medea's house; today is the day, Medea will be banished by King Creon. For days, Medea's wails have echoed through the streets of Corinth. Medea loathes Jason, who abandoned her for the princess of this city, the man for whom she betrayed her entire family in Colchis. The area around Medea's house is cordoned off, a film crew appears, and gradually, stories about Medea and the Colchian women who surround her, take over.
Omstanders, after Medea, is a contemporary adaptation based on improvisations by the players, Euripides' Medea and Medea. Voices by Christa Wolf. The fear of the other and the lack of an equal dialogue ultimately result in a scapegoat effect, to which Medea falls victim. The strong woman who stands up to the injustice done to her.
concept and direction Margot Zwiers
dramaturgy, text, directing assistance Simone Amarins van der Steen
music, sound, acting Emre Varlik
costumes Pepa Canel
photographer Ellen Kooi
graphic design Hans Lemmens
production Simone Amarins van der Steen, Margot Zwiers
publicity Marieke van der Steen, Rana Uzun, Margot Zwiers, Simone Amarins van der Steen
performers Barend Elias, Fien Roelie van der Steen, Hajar El Ouahi, Jenny Klouwer, Jessica Mehra, Marieke Naomi van der Steen, Naoufal Ahajjam, Nourjan Hasan, Sara Enanai, Terje van Ginkel, Rosa in ‘t Hout, Rana Uzun, Amber Moekmoedshek, Pomme van Wees, Jill Teunisse
additional support and coaching Vince Zwiers, Nathalie van Zutphen Stanisavljevic, Rosa in ’t Hout, Yolanda Eys e.a.
with support of Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Fonds Cultuurparticipatie, VSB fonds, Gemeente Amsterdam, NSGK
Achterdeberg Academie is part of Stichting Achter de Berg