In the new musical performance Celia! by Urban Myth, two Cuban icons meet each other: Celia Cruz and Celia Sánchez. Susan Visser plays Celia Sánchez, a heroine of the Cuban revolution and the right hand of Fidel Castro. Manoushka Zeegelaar Breeveld is Celia Cruz. She fled to America during the Cuban revolution and became known worldwide as the 'Queen of Salsa'.
Grote Zaal
Duration: tba
Swinging performance about two Cuban icons.
On stage, the women meet each other. The mother of Celia Cruz is dying and Celia is considering returning to her native country. Celia Sánchez asks her, on behalf of Fidel Castro, to work for the communist ideals of the revolutionary regime. An exciting conflict develops between the two. About idealism and solidarity. About freedom and collective responsibility. In the course of three encounters, the relationship will become strained. But at the same time, each of the women gets a better understanding of the choices and feelings of the other.
Cuba and the revolution are the setting for the true stories of two very different women. Special women who played an important but forgotten role for the country.
“A wonderfully swinging performance,” de Telegraaf wrote after the premiere at the recent Theatre Festival Oerol.
“Lies and selfishness wrapped up in a party,” NRC Handelsblad ****
Lieve Stad,
Amsterdam is een stad met vele gezichten, letterlijk, want we wonen hier samen met vele verschillende nationaliteiten.
Lieve Stad, is het stadsfestival van Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, en gaat over Amsterdam en alle soorten Amsterdammers die de stad rijk is. Met Lieve Stad, vieren we onze verschillen -of ze nu cultureel, sociaal, economische of fysiek zijn- en brengen we mensen samen rond verhalen uit de stad. Gebundeld in twee weken presenteren we producties van onder meer Nasrdin Dchar, Urban Myth en Ultima Vez: ontmoetingen met andere culturen die verfrissende perspectieven bieden.
Het festival – geïnspireerd door de woorden van voormalig burgermeester Eberhard van der Laan – is ónze liefdesverklaring aan de stad Amsterdam en haar inwoners. We trappen dan ook af op Valentijnsdag, donderdag 14 februari 2019.