Het Indisch Interieur
In Het Indisch Interieur, writer and director Bo Tarenskeen examines how the Indies war past still affects the current generation of Indonesian Dutch.
Run time tba
Genre Theater
Language Dutch
Het Indisch Interieur
During an evening and night we witness a Dutch-Indonesian family whose paterfamilias (Hans Dagelet) tries to divide his inheritance among his children (Bussemaker, De la Parra, Tarenskeen), grandchildren (Mingus Dagelet) and others (Haitsma). Three generations focus on everything that the family home contains: silent witnesses of a violent, mysterious and complex past that still affects all the capillaries of Dutch society.
Tarenskeen wrote a sharp family drama with Het Indisch Interieur. Behind every heirloom is a story, but the heirs don't seem too eager to hear those stories.
According to the NIOD, 2 million Dutch people have an Indonesian background. It is therefore a great mystery that this history has not taken a greater place in our national consciousness until recently. The “Indonesian Silence” is a persistent cliché, because there appears to be just as much of a case of “Dutch Concealment”.
text and direction Bo Tarenskeen
cast Hans Dagelet, Bodil de la Parra, Reinout Bussemaker, Bo Tarenskeen, Mingus Dagelet, Amarenske Haitsma
producer Stichting De Tienduizend Dingen, Olivier Schneider-|-
co-producer Theaterfestival Boulevard
partner Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Theaterbureau De Mannen