Romeo & Julia
A spectacular remake of Shakespeare's famous tale of love, friendship, and betrayal. The cast consists of 13 outstanding actors and dancers, featuring Vanja Rukavina (Romeo) and Soumaya Ahouaoui (Juliet), and tells the thrilling story of hopeless love and impossible choices.
Run time tba
Genre Theatre, Dance
Language Dutch
In Gesprek Fri, Sep 27
Romeo & Julia
In this world-renowned play full of family feuds, with the vibe of a dark rave party, dance continually propels the narrative forward. What if your great love chooses a path you cannot follow? Can you still escape fate and build your own life?
The creators are crafting a fresh, contemporary universe, inspired by the key moments from Romeo & Juliet. This version is packed with street dance from 'golden boy' choreographer Shailesh Bahoran of Illusionary Rockaz Company. Written by promising writer Melissa Knollenburg and directed by renowned director Noël Fischer (Trojan Wars, QUEER PLANET).
Noël Fischer about Romeo & Juliet
"Struggling with tradition, choosing your own path apart from family expectations, and experiencing intense emotions: it's no coincidence that the story of Romeo & Juliet provides fantastic material. In addition to Shakespeare, our sources of inspiration also include street dance and Bollywood culture, of which I am a big fan."
In Gesprek
After the performance, come and think, listen and chat at In Gesprek. We invite a guest to further explore the themes of Romeo & Julia and to exchange experiences. If you have any questions, this is the perfect time to ask them. In Gesprek is free of charge and starts shortly after the performance in one of our foyers, is conducted in Dutch and lasts about half an hour.
“The performance continues to surprise with colorful scenes, alternating between play and dance. ”
“This Romeo & Juliet succeeds precisely because of its exceptionality: the performance does not want to look like anything.”
direction Noël Fischer
Shailesh Bahoran
text Melissa Knollenburg based on Shakespeare
Martine Manten
costume design
Carly Everaert
set design
Thomas Rupert and Roos Veenkamp
actors Soumaya Ahouaoui, Vanja Rukavina, Rick Paul van Mulligen, Yamill Jones, Ayisha Siddiqi and Kharim Amier
dancers Noor Jayani, Herrold Anakotta, Ali Zanad, Tara Pula, Oliver Wagstaff and Tosca Knauf
Ivo van Hove adapted Who Killed My Father, by internationally acclaimed writer Édouard Louis, for the stage. Van Hove turned the very outspoken book into a monologue, especially for Hans Kesting.