The Money Game jr.
The Money Game jr.
The Money Game jr. is an investigation into our derailed financial system made with and by a generation growing up in the middle of it.
Everything has a value. Money is power. In 2023, influence has a price and the bosses of Insta, Apple and Amazon run the world. Money makes the world go round, but only for the very rich. What should the rest do with a financial system where there seems to be no way out? And is there a cost for screwing up the world?
Festival Lieve Stad,
Location ITA - Studio 1
Run time tba
Genre Theater-jongeren
Language Dutch
Please note that this performance contains flashing lights
The Money Game jr.
Every season, ITA makes a performance with and for young people (15 – 21 years). As a starting point we choose a theme from one of our performances or a theme that is alive among young people from the city. This theme is the starting point of an investigation. The joint research of the young people and the professional theatre makers who supervise them results in a performance that is played before an audience. This year, The Money Game Jr. is being created with Lehman Trilogy by our ITA ensemble, directed by Ivo van Hove, as a source of inspiration.
-|-The fair is back in town. After school or work, groups of youngsters stroll past the stalls and attractions in search of a bit of relaxation and entertainment. While two of them wait for the coin-operated machine to free up, they decide to take a bet on the outcome of the game being played right now. Others follow their lead. The stakes get higher and higher. The bets increasingly complex. Does anyone still have an oversight? It seems just a game but what if you lose?
direction Esmée Begemann
choreography Ro, Rox, Roxy, Roxana Verwey
dramaturgy Goya van den Berg (intern)
scenography and concept Renee Faveere
light design Sam de Zeeuw
sound design Abdel Baaddi
assistant director Kate Hoffman (intern)
assistant choreography Jay Lattig (intern)
assistant text Zamity Mitelembekissequel (intern)
assistant costumes Sophie Huizinga (intern)
productionleader Kiki Meijerhoven
assistant production Muus Veldkamp (intern), Sophie Reinink (intern)
stage manager Arist Richartz, Bart Coenen
sound Pieter Roodbeen
light Xenia Filimonova, Tim Vleugel
head of ITA-Academy Muriël Besemer
projectmanager Wilma Smilde
photographer Menno de Vries
publicity Iris Istha
-|-cast Bing Lammerts van Bueren, Catelyne Nguyen, Cloudia Buttner, Emin Yalcin, Famke Bronger, Hanna van Maanen, Inti Tabares Medina-Hogendijk, Isabelle Bouweir, Janna Heijne, Jesse Molenaar, Lizz Veen, Mara Marsman, Nash Peetoom, Oskar Transue, Pier Bonnema, Roos Posthumus, Samia Hay, Sam Boekaar, Selin Ertekin, Shenna Heijmans, Sophie Meijboom, Tessel Muntz, Wouter Haaksema