Meet a Mecenas: Tom Bagguley
Tom Bagguley is Portfolio Manager en kortgeleden toegetreden tot de groep Mecenassen van ITA. Hieronder schetsen we aan de hand van een aantal vragen een beeld van Tom. De vragen en antwoorden zijn in het Engels want Tom is Engels van origine.
What motivated you to become a Mecenas of ITA?
I decided to become a Mecenas as it achieved two goals that I had. The first one simply was that I decided that I would like to go to the theatre more often, see a broader range of productions and learn more about them. Those that I have seen at the ITA over the years I have always found to be of a very high quality. Secondly, I have been thinking for some time about how and which cultural organisation I could support. The current crisis spurred me to make a decision as now more than ever I feel our cultural institutions need supporting and the Mecenas program of the ITA seemed to be a natural fit.
Which play you saw made the most impact on you and why?
I think that would have to be the most recent one I have seen, A Little Life. I read the book a few years ago so knew that it is not the happiest of stories but I was simply blown away by the emotional intensity of seeing it performed at the theatre.
Which is the play that you would love to see again and why?
I find it really difficult to choose as I generally focus on the ones I will see next. The one I was most looking forward to is ‘Op hoop van zegen’ as was interested to see the story adapted to a modern setting. I am also interested in seeing more of Simon Stone’s work. However, I have seen on Instagram that virtual rehearsals have been taking place so hopefully will have the chance to see it in the not too distant future.
Which artistic expression do you miss most in the current lock-down?
I guess those for which I had tickets for performances in this current period, so the Opera, Concertgebouw as well as plays. I realise that is three!
What new artistic expression have you discovered since the lock-down that you enjoy?
Theatre online! I have really been enjoying Decamerone – very good choice of story and great to improving my Dutch! But also have streamed a couple of theatre pieces from the UK which I didn’t have the chance to see live. I think it will be interesting to see what new things come out of this current crisis, including the use of technology in accessing the arts. The streaming of more theatre would be great in my view.