The Grief of Red Granny


The Grief of Red Granny

Toneelhuis / LOD muziektheater / Gorges Ocloo


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The Grief of Red Granny
Toneelhuis / LOD muziektheater / Gorges Ocloo

The Grief of Red Granny is a poignant and musical theatre performance in which South African artists reinterpret the classic Stabat Mater in a quirky and personal way. This timeless piece of music about grief and solace takes on new layers through today's powerful voices and stories. An enchanting encounter between age-old music and contemporary theatricality that touches, confronts and connects.

Run time 105 minutes
Genre Theatre
Language English, French, German and Dutch (performance) & Latin, Xhosa, Zulu (vocals)
Surtitles Dutch & English

The Grief of Red Granny

17 February 1934. King Albert climbs the cliffs of Rocher du Bon Dieu in Marche-les-Dames and falls to his death. Reportedly, two million Belgians attended the funeral procession, yet according to protocol, Queen Elisabeth was not even allowed to be present at her husband's funeral. This event is a model for the grief of thousands who cannot grieve the way they want to.

The Grief of Red Granny is the first part of a AfrOpera diptych about individual and collective grief. In this first part, we take an emotional journey through one woman's heart, loosely inspired by Queen Elizabeth and Gorges' grandmother (two Red Grannies) and portrayed by actress Tine Joustra. She welcomes us into the ruins of her memories and takes us on the waves of her unprocessed grief.

In this ritualized AfrOpera, Gorges Ocloo gives room and voice to those who have not had a chance to say goodbye to their loved one individually: parents of missing children, victims of wars, pandemics, terrorist attacks, ...


Using his signature surreal imagery, Ocloo brings this enigmatic mourning process to life in the Garden of Eden. Six angels - three classical singers and three musicians, all from South Africa - make up the ensemble. The musical leitmotif is Pergolesi's Stabat Mater. “I will bring Pergolesi to my Voodoo church,” said Ocloo. In his radical adaptation of this famous composition, he draws inspiration from lush mourning and funeral rituals from around the world. A musical confrontation between cultures. A universal sound of sorrow and celebration at the same time



‘The musical cross-pollinations result in an opera full of surprising twists, and with the kind of exuberant energy common in African church communities.’

De Tijd

'The grieving widow - handsome role by actress Tine Joustra - is constantly watched by six African angels, who perform the 12 movements of the “Stabat Mater”. The instrumentation is daring: drums, cello and guitar with soprano, mezzo-soprano and bass as voices.'

De Standaard

'An excellent Tine Joustra performs a monologue about love and loving, about pain, grief and letting go - effortlessly navigating between four languages. The text is thoughtful, with apt quotes and at times witty moments.'


concept, text, direction, composition, scenography Gorges Ocloo
actrice Tine Joustra
soprano Nobulumko Mngxekeza-Nziramasanga
mezzosoprano Nonkululeko Nkwinti
basso profondo Ntuthuko Ziqubu
guitars Charlton Daniels
cello Dane Coetzee
drums/percussion Carla Williams
dramaturgy Jana Beckmann and Josse De Pauw
sound design Victor Hidalgo
lightning design Lies Van Loock and Gorges Ocloo
costumes Tanya Maldonado and Esther Reijnen
stage design Senne Suls, Noah Dockx, Chris Reijnen and Niels Antonissen
production Toneelhuis and LOD muziektheater

in collaboration with Artscape Theatre Centre Cape Town (ZA)
with support of the Diplomatic Representation of Flanders in South Africa, the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, Gallop Tax Shelter, Sabam for Culture

This performance is supported by


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